Butterfly in the Sky – Starring Lavar Burton, Alisa Reyes, and Dean Parisot, this documentary chronicles the journeys of broadcasters, educators, and filmmakers who believed television could inspire a lifelong love of reading.
Screenings will be Saturday, October 15 at 2:30 and Friday the 21st at 5:30 at the Pickford Film Center https://www.pickfordfilmcenter.org/
“Two seconds into the bubbling synth sounds of its theme song will have a child of the 1980s or ‘90s exclaiming “Reading Rainbow!” Such is the beloved and ubiquitous nature of the classic children’s literary television show that introduced millions of kids to the wonder and importance of books. Not only did the series insist on having kids speak to kids about their favorite stories, but Reading Rainbow introduced the world to one of the most adored television hosts of all time in LeVar Burton. Thanks to his direct, non-patronizing and, most importantly, kind delivery, Burton became a conduit to learning for children of every background—an entrancing guide to subjects unknown.
In co-directors Bradford Thomason and Brett Whitcomb’s wonderfully nostalgic look back at the origin story of Reading Rainbow, you’re invited to learn about the foundation of a show that for 25 years dedicated itself to not only bringing literature into children’s lives but delving behind the pages to the people, places, and things each new story explored.”
–Liza Domnitz (Tribeca Film Festival)
Each October the Pickford showcases Doctober—a month-long documentary film festival dedicated to one of Bellingham’s proven favorite genres, the documentary. Doctober is the largest documentary festival in the Northwest, screening over 50 films in one month. For this festival the Pickford partners with local groups and organizations to bring important issues to the screen; many presentations feature special guests, filmmakers, pre-screening receptions, and guided group discussions. This year, the festival starts September 30th and runs through November 3rd.